This Website and our App is intended for informational purposes. In particular, this limited licence does not permit you to incorporate any material from this website / app in any other work, publications or website / app either of your own or belonging to any third party without the prior consent of the Wascana Country Club. All pictures shown throughout the website are under the Wascana Country Club’s licensing and copyright regulations, authorities and permissions and in cases where you wish to use any pictures in any other work, publications or website either of your own or belonging to any third party you must contact the Wascana Country Club.
This Website and our App is intended to provide general information on a particular subject or subjects and is not an exhaustive treatment of such subject(s). Accordingly, the information in this Website / App is not intended to constitute any legal, consultative or other professional advice, service or contract in any way.
This Website and our App and the information contained herein is provided “as is”, and the Wascana Country Club makes no express or implied representations or warranties regarding this website or the information in it.